Staff at PPSC
please reach out to our staff for more details about our Cru community at Pikes Peak State College!
"More people show up to the community group than the week before at PPSC and it goes to show that God is at work and that our generation wants more of Him. There are students that drive from a different PPSC campus to be at the meeting. They show up even if they don’t have a class that day. I can’t wait for what God will be doing through the community group at PPSC and other campuses."
In discovering Cru, my eyes were opened to see that there is indeed Christian support at Pikes Peak State College! I am not alone in my faith as a body of believers are revealing themselves to one another at my school, God has certainly used Cru as a means to bring us together! This community has allowed me an opportunity to reignite my faith among fellow students. In finding others who are working to do God’s will, I have been able to speak as both a student and a leader to others so that I may learn and guide in the name of Jesus.
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